UNICEF Representative visits Peace House Shelter
Leading the delegation was Ms. Silvia Danailov, UNICEF Representative in Vietnam. She was warmly received by Ms. Dương Thị Ngọc Linh, Director of the Center for Women’s Development (CWD), along with the staff of PHS. During the visit, PHS representatives introduced their comprehensive support model for survivors, highlighting initiatives that protect and assist children impacted by domestic violence, sexual abuse, and human trafficking.
Mrs. Dương Thị Ngọc Linh, Director of CWD, speaks with Mrs. Silvia Danailov, UNICEF Representative in Vietnam, at the Peace House Shelter
The UNICEF delegation gained insight into the challenges faced by PHS staff in their work with survivors. Ms. Silvia Danailov also took the time to engage directly with women and children staying at the shelter, offering words of encouragement and listening to their personal journeys toward safety and recovery.
The delegation engages in conversation with shelter residents and staff at the Peace House Shelter
When speaking with the Shelter Resident (SR) 1230Đ, Ms. Silvia Danailov was deeply surprised to learn that she had sought refuge at the PHS due to violence from her second husband. SR 1230Đ had endured not only physical and emotional abuse but was also forcibly evicted from the home she had lived in for nearly 20 years. She shared, “Seeking shelter at PHS was the best decision I have made in years. The support from social workers here, along with their collaboration with local authorities, has given me a sense of security and made me realize that I am not alone.”
Unlike SR 1230Đ’s story, SR 1237O’s experience deeply moved Ms. Silvia Danailov. SR 1237O arrived at PHS with her two children, seeking the shelter’s support in addressing domestic violence issues in her community. She recounted how her ex-husband—the biological father of her children—had committed severe acts of violence against them. Now, she hoped to receive assistance in her legal battle to regain custody of her eldest son.
SR 1237O’s heartbreaking story brought many PHS staff and UNICEF delegation members to tears. Although she had divorced her husband due to severe domestic abuse, she never imagined that her own children would become victims of violence while living with their father. They had suffered brutal beatings, been woken in the middle of the night to be physically punished, forced to stand on one leg for three hours, and even had to run away from his violent attacks. “If it weren’t for my mother-in-law bringing my children to PHS, I don’t know when I would have been able to take them away from the violence,” she said. She expressed deep gratitude to PHS for standing by her and her children during such difficult times, believing that with PHS’s support, justice would be served under the law.
Ms. Silvia Danailov encouraged the women and children, saying, “Always trust in your decisions, because every step you are taking now is the right one to protect yourselves and your children.” She also emphasized that not only PHS but UNICEF would continue to stand by the survivors, working toward a civilized, safe, and violence-free society.
The UNICEF delegation highly praised PHS’s efforts and its positive impact on women and children. UNICEF also took note of PHS’s recommendations to strengthen support services and improve access to social services for children, especially those affected by violence, ensuring their rights and holistic development for a brighter future.