Accompanying women’s development

Linh Anh
3 năm trước đây
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Thể hiện sự đồng cảm của bạn với bài viết
Chia sẻ
Chia sẻ nội dung hữu ích ra cộng dồng
Câu chuyện của bạn
Chia sẻ câu chuyện của chính bạn

Happiness has come

Her parents lived together without marriage. When H was 5 years old, her father left her family to go down South. H only knows that he has a new wife but does not know what his job is nor where he is. Her mother works as a domestic helper to raise the children.

Though being a single mom, she has still been fully supporting her children's education. H completed school but had not taken the high school graduation exam. H planned to take the graduation exam and the university entrance exam. After Tet, H returned to Hanoi to study for the exam and rented a house with her boyfriend who was studying at Hanoi University of Industry.

One day, a distant relative from her father's side invited H to go to Mong Cai City with her "to buy cheap clothes". H agreed and was trafficked into China and forced into prostitution. The brothel owner was a Chinese man, he promised to let H go after 6 months of "working" for him. Although H lied that she was a nun and a vegan, she was still forced to serve guests (15-20 people per day). Having to serve too many guests a day along with a vegetarian diet made H's physical and mental health quickly deteriorated. The traumatized mental state caused her insomnia, headaches, stinging in the ears, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and twitching limbs. Afraid that H would die, the brothel owner took H to the hospital. After a few days of treatment, the condition worsened to the point that the owner's mother feared that H would die and advised her son to release her to Vietnam. He sent a person to bring H across the border through the river. When arriving in Vietnam, a woman who used to work as a prostitute in China picked H up and brought her to My Dinh bus station and then took H to her boyfriend's place. Her boyfriend contacted H's mother and aunt who advised her to go to C45 to report, to which she agreed.

The officers at C45 brought H to the Peace House Shelter to rest and receive care as well as psychological support. She was sent to the emergency room at Hospital 354. After examining, the doctor wrote in the medical record: Psychological trauma; Dissociative shock.

Coming back to NBY, H continued to have psychological problems: nightmares, bad sleep, difficulties in relationships with other residents, loss of control, she attempted to jump from the 3rd floor but was held back by two other residents. The Peace House Shelter invited a psychotherapist to help H. As her physical and mental health stabilized, the Shelter found a tutor to help her prepare for the university entrance exams. H was admitted to the National University of Art Education with Fashion Design as her major. The tuition was paid by the Shelter until her graduation.

H set up a website selling artworks. And from there, she met and married a Japanese man. H has been living in Japan with her husband and is still managing a website selling paintings. She has two daughters with her husband and managed to bring her younger brother to Japan to live with them.

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