Accompanying women’s development

Linh Anh
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Chia sẻ câu chuyện của chính bạn

“Peace House Shelter – A place to help me find happiness again”

I have thought that what would I do if I left the husband who hurt me too much? Can I be happy?

I got married since 2006, during that time, I suffered unjustified beatings from my husband, It is too much to remember how the beatings began and ended. I only felt the pain of the wounds. In my heart, love also melted away with the insults of my husband and the screams of my two children.

I still vividly remember the day I and my youngest son fled from Nam Dinh to Hanoi to escape his control - on September 26th. We came and asked to stay at the Peace House Shelter (PHS). The PHS staffs welcoming us by the kindness, comfort, care of the meals and sleep.

During that time, we received a lot of support: havinga safe accommodation, helping how to make a petition of domestic violence complaint to the local government. For the first time, I understood my rights, my children's rights; I also understood that there are many women like me who need to be about life skills and domestic violence prevention. I realize one thing- "my happiness is created by myself".

Over two months at PHS, my violence problem was resolved and the local government asked my husband to write a commitment not to use violence again. I also became stronger and more confident. For the first time, I personally decided to end that loveless and unhappy marriage. After the divorce, I focused on taking care of my two children, on loving and on taking care of myself. PHS showed me the joy and positivity of participating in social activities. I also focus on working to taking care of our life.

I thought my life has been fortunate to be free from the insults, the painful beatings from the men who I loved. I got rid of the thought that “he's my husband, I need to "put up with it", or I have to accept because he has the right to do it”.

However, when one door closes, another will open- “It’s never too late to start over - never too late to be happy ...". Through the introduction of my relatives, I met a man  . At first, because I was obsessed with my previous marriage, I closed myself and not daring to accept his feelings. However, I gradually shared with him about my past. Contrary to what I thought, he didn't dodge. He understood and loved me more. It’s love that helped me revive my strength and faith in a future ahead. In December 2020, we decided to get married. Currently, my husband and I are really happy. He takes care of me, and he loves my 2 children like his own. Every time I see him taking care of my children, I feel grateful and cherish the 2 months of being supported at PHS. PHS helped me better understand my values, and have empathy with women around me, showed me that when one door closes, another one opens. We, as women, not only desire to be loved, but also deserve to have a peaceful home of our own.

Dear PHS Sep 1st, 2021

Story writing: L.H. Editor: L.N.M

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